Blind Bag Index

Wave 6
Crystal Empire

Wave 7
Crystal Empire

Wave 8
Neon Collection
bags -
"Collect 24"

Wave 9
bags -
"Collect 24"
Blind Bags are small bags that contains 1 mini pony per bag. They do not indicate by name which pony is in which bag because it is meant to be a surprise. For those that hate surprises, the bags also have a number printed on them that allows you to figure out which pony is in which bag. Below is an index that allows you to see what number coordinates with which pony for each wave of blind bags. There is also a printable version here.
Numbers can either be 1-2 digits or 5 digits. For five digit numbers, just ignore the 1st, 3rd, and 5th number and you have the original index number. For instance, number 20415 is really just #01 or #1, and 22445 is just #24.
Wave 8 no longer printed number codes, but instead has 2 digit letter codes stamped right below the "" print on the front of the bag. The codes are AA-AZ, minus AJ and AQ.
Here are examples of where you can find the numbers/letters printed on the bags. For bags with numbers on both the bottom and center seams, use the center seam for identifying.

Wave 1 - 2010

Twilight Sparkle
pink variation
*Euro Exclusive
Wave 2 - 2011 - Only released in Europe so far

Wave 3 - 2012

#40522 (US)
#40225 (MEX)

#41582 (US)
#41285 (MEX)
Wave 5 - 2012


Island Rainbow

Sapphire Shores

Flippity Flop

Cinnamon Breeze


Golden Delicious

Ribbon Wishes

Princess Celestia


Rainbow Wishes
Wave 7 - 2013

(misnamed as Soarin on card)

(misnamed as Spitfire on card)
Wave 8 - 2013

Gilda the Griffon


Flim Skim

Comet Tail

Ribbon Wishes

Lotus Blossom
Wave 8A - 2013 - UK Release - only included 12 ponies

Comet Tail
*UK Release

Royal Riff
*UK Release
(bag shows protoype colors)

Flim Skim
*UK Release
Wave 8B - 2013 - UK Release - only included 12 ponies

Lotus Blossom
*UK Release

Ribbon Wishes
*UK Release

Gilda the Griffon
*UK Release

*UK Release
Wave 9 - 2013

(rainbow accents)

Amethyst Star II

Shoeshine II

Berryshine II

Peachy Sweet II

Lily Valley II

Nurse Snowheart

Sprinkle Medley

Tropical Storm

Green Jewel

Lavender Fritter

Apple Honey

Honey Rays

Prism Glider

Grape Delight
Wave 9A - 2014 - UK Release - only included 12 ponies

Amethyst Star II

Lily Valley II

Nurse Snowheart

Sprinkle Medley

Tropical Storm

Lavender Fritter

Apple Honey

Grape Delight
Wave 9B - 2014 - UK Release - only included 12 ponies

(rainbow accents)

Shoeshine II

Berryshine II

Peachy Sweet II

Green Jewel

Honey Rays

Prism Glider
Wave 10 - 2014

Fluttershy II

Green Jewel

Lotus Blossom

Ribbon Wishes


Diamond Mint

Twilight Sparkle (Princess)
Peachy Sweet II

Snipsy Snap


Rainbow Swoop

Sunshower Raindrops

Gilda the Griffon

Strawberry Sunrise
Wave 10A - 2014 - UK Release - only included 12 ponies

Green Jewel

Ribbon Wishes

Diamond Mint

Rainbow Swoop

Gilda the Griffon

Strawberry Sunrise
Wave 10B - 2014 - UK Release - only included 12 ponies

Fluttershy II

Lotus Blossom


Twilight Sparkle (Princess)
Peachy Sweet II

Snipsy Snap


Sunshower Raindrops
Wave 11 - 2014

Sunset Shimmer

Flash Sentry

Big Wig


Candy Apples

Purple Wave


Neon Lights


Cheese Sandwich

Cloud Chaser

Pursey Pink

Swanky Hank



Lilac Hearts

Royal Pin

Ruby Splash

Cloudia Breezie
Sunny Breezie

Lilac Breezie
Wave 11A - 2014 - UK Release - only included 12 ponies

Sunset Shimmer

Flash Sentry

Candy Apples

Purple Wave


Neon Lights



Cloudia Breezie

Sunny Breezie
Wave 11BA - 2015 - UK Release - only included 12 ponies

Big Wig



Cheese Sandwich

Cloud Chaser

Pursey Pink

Swanky Hank

Lilac Hearts

Royal Pin

Ruby Splash

Lilac Breezie
Wave 12 - 2015

Twilight Sparkle (Princess)

Twilight Sparkle (Princess)
Wave 12A - 2015 - UK Release - only included 12 ponies

Twilight Sparkle (Princess)
Wave 12B - 2015 - UK Release - only included 12 ponies

Twilight Sparkle (Princess)
Wave 13 - 2015

Ribbon Wishes

Lavender Fritter

Apple Bumpkin

Candy Apples

Apple Split
DISCLAIMER: This website is for informational purposes only and is intended to assist the Pony Collecting Community. Some images on this site are property of Hasbro and have been borrowed for non-profit use. Other images have been donated by various contributors. Please do not use them without permission.
This site is not affiliated with Hasbro, Inc. My Little Pony, its characters, names, and their distinctive likenesses are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.